Anita 3What is your name? 

Anita Getler

How long have you been living with GIST? 

7 1/2 years

What was your first thought when you were diagnosed with GIST?

OMG will I survive?

What do you do?

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant for a Botanical Company in Carlstadt, NJ

How are you doing now?

GREAT!  Feel good & live a happy and as close to “normal” life as ever.  I work, play tennis, entertain, ride motorcycles, enjoy wine tastings and travel and most of all love playing with my two granddaughters! :):)

GIST is called a “rare” cancer, how do you feel about that term being applied to you?

I guess I would say “rare” because I had never heard of it before my diagnosis…..thanks to having this “rare cancer” called GIST I have made many new friends on the Life Raft Group to help support me throughout my GSIT Journey and it has been a blessing.  I live life to the fullest and one day at a time! 🙂

Tell me a little about your special characteristic.

I think my most special characteristic would be my positive attitude and happy grateful heart….SMILE! 🙂

Anita Getler

Judy Baehren (Sister and Caregiver)