photoWhat is your name?
Lindsay Freeburg

How long have you been living with GIST?
Since October, 2006.

What was your first thought when you were diagnosed with GIST?
I was only 17, so I was utterly shocked. I thought I was invincible and nothing could hurt me. It was scary.



What do you do?
I’m a college student. I will be completing my Associate’s Degree in December and am very proud of that!

How are you doing now?
I am still fighting everyday. I am on a clinical trial of a drug called Ponatinib to control the tumors in my liver.

GIST is called a “rare” cancer, how do you feel about that term being applied to you?
I feel a responsibility to educate people about GIST. Someday I hope when I say GIST, people won’t have to ask what that is.

GIST doesn’t make you rare…but what makes you unique?
In 2006, when I was diagnosed, I was the youngest GIST patient documented.